The Importance of Children's Eye Exams, And What To Look Out For
December 17, 2023

As parents, we always want what’s best for our children, which is why it’s crucial to keep an eye on their overall health and well-being. One thing that many parents don’t always think about is their child’s eye health. Kids rely on their vision for so much of their daily activities, from schoolwork to sports, that it’s essential to have their eyes checked regularly. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at why eye exams are crucial for children and what to look out for to ensure their vision is healthy.
Why are eye exams essential for children?
Children’s eyes are continually changing as they grow, and it is often tough for parents to realize if their child's vision is developing appropriately. That is why routine eye exams for children are critical. They can help detect any vision issues early, allowing for prompt treatment, which can prevent the problem from worsening. Detecting issues early can also improve a child's overall quality of life, by allowing them to participate fully in daily activities.
When should your child’s first eye exam be?
Your child's first eye exam should happen at six months of age. However, some pediatricians may recommend that you take your child for an exam as early as three months old, depending on their medical history. It is also recommended that children undergo additional exams at age three, again before entering kindergarten, and then regularly throughout their academic career, ideally every one to two years.
What to look out for when it comes to your child's vision?
As a parent, you may not know what to look out for when it comes to your child's vision. However, there are a few indicators that can point to potential eye problems. Look out for any difficulty with hand-eye coordination, excessive squinting, redness or irritation of the eyes, and a tendency to cover one eye to see better. Do your best to create an environment that is appropriate for your child’s vision, with the right lighting and minimizing screen time. Beyond that, regular eye exams are the best way to ensure persistent vision health.
What happens during a children’s eye exam?
During a children’s eye exam, the eye doctor will conduct a series of tests to evaluate their vision. The tests may include a letter chart, eye movement evaluations, and visual field tests, among others. Younger children may not know the alphabet yet, so eye doctors will use shapes or pictures instead. Your child's pupil will also be dilated, which is necessary to get a better view of the retina at the back of the eye. While you may be nervous about taking your child for an eye exam, your eye doctor will make sure that the process is stress-free and even enjoyable for your child.
Children should have their eyes exams scheduled regularly
As you can see, getting your child's eyes checked regularly is essential to ensure optimal health and development. Scheduling regular exams with your eye doctor is the best way to ensure that vision problems are detected early, and prompt treatment is provided. If you have any concerns or questions about your child's vision, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with your eye doctor today.