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Is LipiFlow Treatment Right For My Dry Eyes?

Do you suffer from dry eyes? Well, rest assured that you’re not the only one. It’s a condition that sadly affects millions of people around the world.

Not only are dry eyes annoying, but they also cause plenty of suffering and discomfort. And in worse cases, according to the Mayo Clinic, you may get eye infections or permanently damaged eyes.

While there are eyedrops and other forms of treatment, you’ll have to take these measures pretty much the rest of your life.

You can imagine how annoying it will get to just keep reaching for eyedrops every time you feel discomfort, right?

And what if you forget your eyedrops for some reason, or run out, it will be doubly a hassle to have to buy some more or return for your drops.

But don’t worry: there’s another solution to dry eyes. It’s called LipiFlow, and it can be done by any optometrist in NZ, provided they have a LipiFlow machine.

What is LipiFlow and how will you know if it’s right for you? Keep on reading to find out!

What is LipiFlow treatment?

LipiFlow is a treatment designed to remove any blockage that is a result of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). You see, the leading cause of dry eyes is MGD. When these particular glands stop producing their natural oils, the tear film becomes inconsistent (and in worse cases non-existent), thus leading to the drying of your eyes.

LipiFlow works by placing disposable activators under and over your eyelids while not touching the core of your eye. When these activators are in place, the LipiFlow machine will send a combination of heat and pressure to your inner lids. At the same time, you will feel a gentle motion on your outer lids. 

This combination of movement and pressure will remove gland build-up as well as residue from old glands. And don’t worry, this treatment is painless since there will be a numbing drop applied to each of your eyes. In fact, you’ll feel like you’re getting a warm and comfortable eyelid massage for twelve minutes!

You’re not going to have instant effects. However, all you have to do is wait. About four to eight weeks after the treatment, you’ll be experiencing the results of eyes that are no longer dry!

Are there any side effects of LipiFlow?

As mentioned, LipiFlow is painless. However, you can still experience some side effects during or after the treatment. These may be any of the following:

  • You feel a burning or stinging sensation in your eyes.
  • Some redness in your eyes.
  • You might get some discharges coming from your eyes.
  • Your vision might get blurry.
  • You might find yourself being more sensitive to light.

But not to worry, these effects are pretty common after any eye treatment or surgery. It is best to consult with your optometrist on how to manage them.

Do my eyes qualify for LipiFlow?

If you’re interested in LipiFlow treatment, we recommend that you talk to your eye doctor in Auckland or wherever you are located to ask if you can indeed get this treatment.

But just to make things easier for you, here are some things you should keep in mind if you’re wondering if you would indeed benefit from LipiFlow.

Before anything else, your doctor will check your gland production. If they’re in working order but you still have dry eyes, it might mean you have a different condition. That would just mean LipiFlow is not for you.

After questions and plenty of testing, like getting a high-resolution picture of your current gland structure just to be sure, and you are indeed found to have MGD, then your eye doctor will give the go-ahead for the LipiFlow procedure.

Signs that LipiFlow is right for your dry eyes:

  • You feel constant irritation because of your dry eyes.
  • Your eyes are sensitive to light.
  • Your eyes feel constantly tired.
  • You have contact lens intolerance - LipiFlow can increase your time for wearing contacts.

Issues that may prevent you from getting LipiFlow:

  • You have recently undergone eye surgery
  • You have an eye injury
  • You have herpes of the eye
  • You have chronic eye inflammation

The reason for this is that these health concerns must be addressed by different treatments, and not by LipiFlow. You need to have healthy eyes first before you try to get this treatment.

How long will LipiFlow effects last?

Well, as any optometrist in North Shore Auckland or wherever you are located will tell you, LipiFlow is not exactly a permanent treatment. Results will vary depending on you (no two results are the same, since, after all, people are not similar to one another), but in most cases, LipiFlow lasts for a maximum of two years.

You might be wondering then if it’s worth it since it’s not covered by medical insurance and it can be quite expensive, starting at $550 per eye, or $1100 for both eyes. Well, we might be biased, but based on our customers’ feedback, getting LipiFlow is a better, more reliable alternative to eye drops that aren’t all that reliable.

Plus, if you think about it, it will end up being cheaper in the long run, since you don’t have to keep buying eye drops every so often. You won’t have to worry about dry eyes for two years! 

Would I need more than one LipiFlow treatment, then?

Well, the answer is definitely yes, since LipiFlow doesn’t last for more than 2 years. But think of it this way: when it comes to your teeth, you don’t have to go to the dentist every day, right? You just brush your teeth.

But every year, you do go to the dentist for deep cleaning to ensure that your teeth are really clean and free of plaque and other dirt. 

That’s the same thing you do with LipiFlow. You go to the eye doctor to ensure that your MGD or dry eye are taken care of, so you don’t have to experience them all the time and have a poorer quality of life.

Get LipiFlow treatment only at Nvision Eyecare.

We hope this article helped you learn more about LipiFlow treatment, and if indeed it’s right for you. And if you want to get this procedure, OR you want to learn even more, get in touch with us at Nvision Eyecare. We’re led by arguably the best optometrist in Albany, Ryan Mahmoud, an experienced optometrist with over 10 years of experience.

In other words, when you visit and talk to any Nvision optometrist or staff, you can expect nothing but the best care, information, and treatment! 

And when you want to schedule an appointment with us, there’s no need to Google “Nvision near me.” Our one and only branch is over at Apollo Health and Wellness Centre, at 119 Apollo Drive. We’re at Level 1, suite 104. 

We’re open Mondays to Fridays, from 9 in the morning up to 2 in the afternoon. On Saturdays, we’re only open from 8:30 to 12, and we’re closed during Sundays and holidays.

Call us at 09-884-0034 to set an appointment today. We look forward to hearing from you soon!